About Us
Nuvkriti derives from ‘Nuv’, which means new, and it also comes from Nuvoshakti, the parent company. ‘Kriti’ comes from prakriti which is a hindi word for nature. Hence, Nuvkriti stands for giving a new meaning/redefining the nature and natural offerings. We have been enslaved by unsustainable lifestyle, where people are largely dependent on chemicals and harmful substances. This is negatively impacting the planet, both from the inside and the outside. The world is currently surrounded by issues like climate change, pollution, soil degradation on one hand and obesity, diabetes, skin and hair problems, malnutrition on the other.
This is where Nuvkriti comes in with a promise of developing a clean, sustainable and mindful lifestyle for everyone. We aim to build a platform for people who are concerned towards themselves as well as the planet. This is no other e-commerce platform selling products. This is a community of sustainable living.
Find curated products in all the categories here.

About The Founder
Yash Bajaj is a management graduate. He did his MBA in Mumbai, prior to that he spent his childhood in Kolkata and is back to his hometown since Covid hit in March 2020. Until June, 2019, he did not give any attention to health and personal care, which changed course once he was in Mumbai. Parallelly, he has always been excited about giving back to the society in any way possible- donating to social causes frequently, being part of blood, blanket and book donations. Since 2020, he has found a new interest in serving the indigenous cows and that’s primarily where Yash drew the inspiration of doing something on a bigger scale to give back to the society. What bigger scale than combining the power forces of e-commerce and catching wave of clean lifestyle adoption. Through a clean marketplace, his vision is to create a sustainable ecosystem for future generations.

Vision and Mission of Nuvkriti
Mission – Nuvkriti will work towards delivering a good day (cleaner present) with the promise of a better tomorrow (sustainable future).
Vision- A world where people live a clean life, while being mindful of the planet.