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Apple Cider Vinegar, and the hype around it!

You might have got weight loss advice from any of your friends or family members if you ever needed it. Some might have also recommended taking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach in the morning.

For those who already know about ACV, we will get back to you in sometime. But for those, who heard it for the first time from someone, giving them advice on weight loss, what was your first reaction?

Is it some chemical mixture that I need to consume? How can I consume vinegar directly, I have used it only for cleaning purposes only till now! Apple and Vinegar together? Isn’t vinegar an alcohol? What on earth is this? Fine, will give this a try as well, but how to exactly consume it?

Lots of questions and feelings might have crop up for people not knowing what is ACV and how can it help with weight loss or anything else. So, what exactly is Apple Cider Vinegar?

It is basically a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It is the double process of first fermenting the apples with yeast or sugar, turning it into alcohol. Then the second fermentation process leads to the formation of acetic acid from the alcohol. So there goes one question out of the roof- Isn’t vinegar an alcohol?

Fermentation of Apple Juice
Apple Juice getting fermented to create alcohol, and then the vinegar.

This acetic acid is what gives the apple cider vinegar an additional bunch of benefits to boast. Some of the health benefits of ACV are:

  1. Helps improve digestion- being a fermented drink, gut-friendly bacteria present in ACV helps keeping the digestive system in check and the acetic acid helps in keeping harmful bacteria at bay
  2. Supports immune system- Studies have shown that healthy bacteria help recovering from sickness quicker, and ACV helps in fighting off pathogens in the body
  3. Lowers blood sugar levels- It’s believed that acetic acid blocks the enzymes that help digest starch, as a result, blood sugar levels don’t fluctuate much after consuming starchy food like pasta or breads
  4. Aiding in weight loss- This claim has been debated for long now in case of ACV, but the science and proof behind this is that ACV helps in reducing appetite and slowing the breakdown of starch, keeping you full for longer duration, hence, in a way, aiding to your weight loss journey
Aiding Weight Loss

ACV also has a couple of benefits for the skin and hair:

  1. Improving hair condition- If you have dry, brittle hair or an itchy scalp, adding apple cider vinegar to your usual hair care routine could give you more manageable tresses. adding apple cider vinegar into your hair care routine is an excellent way of adding shine and strength to your locks
  2. Improves skin health- Applied as a toner, it may help to balance skin pH and has an exfoliating effect that smooths and softens. You can even help ease shaving bumps by using a cotton pad to wipe apple cider vinegar over the area. And, for rough, cracked heels, apple cider vinegar is commonly used as a foot soak

Having spoken about the possible benefits of the cider vinegar, time to explore ways to consume this elixir!

Some possible ways could be:

  1. As a daily drink- One can mix 2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of water and drink it in the morning or before bedtime
  2. Alternative to salt- ACV can be added in dishes to enhance the flavour, instead of salt, for those looking to cut on sodium intake
  3. Having an ACV tea, by mixing it with honey in warm water, is a soothing concoction for sore throat
  4. ACV makes for a good salad dressing option, when mixed with mustard and olive oil
  5. Steam facial Treatment- Steaming anyways helps in opening up pores and clearing impurities. One can add ACV in boiled water to get maximum benefits from the steaming
  6. As a skin toner- ACV can be used as a cleanser and toner after rinsing the face. Patch test is highly recommended to fend off any sensitivity
  7. Hair can be rinsed with a mix of ACV and water, giving softer and cleaner hair
Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water

Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar is of benefit to everyone, but the consumption needs to happen in moderation and in diluted form to keep away the possible side-effects:

  1. Being high on acetic acid, if ACV is consumed directly, there can be a risk of tooth enamel erosion
  2. Consuming high quantity of ACV daily can reduce potassium levels in the body drastically
  3. Consuming cider vinegar directly can also increase chances of Esophageal burns, which refers to burning sensation in the mouth and throat
  4. Direct consumption, without diluting can also cause acid reflux and digestion problems
  5. Might interfere with certain diabetic medications and also can be unsuitable for people with chronic kidney ailments

Different types of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Most of the ACVs found in stores and supermarkets are pasteurized, clear and filtered ones
  2. One can also find the raw and unpasteurized ACV, containing a cloudy sediment, known as the ‘mother’ having more beneficial properties
  3. In case of raw cider vinegars, one can also find vinegars with added flavours and ingredients like Ginger Turmeric, Cinnamon Fenugreek for added benefits
  4. Another form of consuming ACVs is through tablets and gummies, considering fast-paced life and lack of convenience
Types of Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw ACV (left) and Filtered ACV (right)

The benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar, eating apple cider tablets or gummies or sprinkling it on your salads and other food are widespread.

And, when you consume ACV with the mother, the health benefits are believed to be even more profound.

From helping with digestion and keeping breath fresh to giving hair a glossy shine and boosting your immune system, apple cider vinegar packs a mighty punch in more ways than one.

Apple Cider Vinegar






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