Oral Care

Oral Care is the practice of keeping one’s oral cavity clean and free of disease and other problems by regular brushing of the teeth and adopting good hygiene habits.

It is important that oral hygiene be carried out on a regular basis to enable prevention of dental disease and bad breath.

Using sustainable dental products is probably not the first thing you think of when you consider how to reduce your environmental footprint.

Most oral care products on store shelves today are either made of plastic or contain plastic. Also, they’re often not recyclable.

These items get tossed into landfills with wild abandon every day. We’ve created an ecological nightmare in our zeal to maintain good oral health.

It does take some searching to find genuinely sustainable dental products. But eco-friendly options exist for virtually every facet of your oral care routine.






Find out more about featured brands here- Ecotyl, Bamboology Trends, Cuddle Care, Indyo Organics

Find out more about Nuvkriti here!