Skin Tools

Skin tools are used to enhance the abilities of your skincare regime. Whether it is to assist in cleansing or enhance product penetration, each skin tool has its own unique function.

Once you’ve mastered skin care basics like wearing SPF every day and layering serums correctly, there’s plenty more to learn. Skin care tools are one area we recommend expanding your beauty knowledge.

The reason being, they can massively upgrade your skin care routine.

Here, we’re introducing you to three skin tools we think deserve a place in your regimen, from face rollers that massage your visage to brushes that help you get completely clean.

  1. Jade Rollers- The stones are rolled over your face to give yourself a massage as well as spread serums, oils, and moisturizers onto your skin.
  2. Rose Quartz Face Rollers- Like jade rollers, they also can be used for facial massage and applying skin care products. One difference is that they are purported to create feelings of wellness.
  3. Gua Sha- a flat stone that is pressed against the skin for a different form of facial massage.






Find out more about the featured brand here – The Skin Juices.

Find out more about Nuvkriti here!