Conscious Living

Conscious Living…

…is adopting a lifestyle which fulfils your needs, while being easy on the environment.

It is all about being mindful of the choices we make in our daily life as to how we live, consume things and dress ourselves.

If You as a single individual start making conscious choices and others start following suit, the compounding effect would be powerful enough to make the planet a more livable space for the future generations.

Hence, that is how we have come up with the name of our 6th and last category- Conscious Living, making mindful choices anywhere and everywhere!

The category is made up of different verticals to cover as many things possible-

1. Accessories, which include some cool daily-use products used everywhere, made from eco-friendly materials
2. Everyday Essentials, are things which are used daily, but usually act as the unsung heroes, staying inside our homes
3. Handicrafts, which are some beautiful hand-made-with-love products making you the ambassador of artisan and local products!
4. Sustainable Fashion, is a wide basket with clothing, accessories and bath products, all made from eco-friendly materials and fibres
5. Yoga Needs, is everything related to yoga, like mats and outfits

Let’s pledge to lead a more thoughtful, mindful and conscious lifestyle

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