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Luxmi Estates promises you an excellent cup of tea. Over a century, across 25 estates, we nurture good leaf in exceptional terroir.

Fine tea is a product of conducive nature and diligent nurture. Our estates span 50,000 acres of exceptional terroir in India and Africa.

Travel around the world, you will not find a more aromatic Darjeeling than Makaibari, a brighter cup than Gisovu or strength to rival Dirai.

Every Luxmi worker is a skilled artisan, with generations of experience honing her intuition to pluck the right two leaves and a bud .

To encourage this capacity, we support all her health and aspirations.

While her mission is to locate the finest polyphenol rich succulent leaf, ours is really just to see that her health and aspirations are met, such as good schooling for her children, basic housing, and healthcare for her family.

For a hundred years Luxmi has covered 100% of all these essentials for each worker that tends to the plants.