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The Mush Supply Agro Farms, co-founded by Palak and Niharika, is the first and only provider of high-quality ‘magical mushrooms’ in Uttarakhand.

Cordyceps Militaris is proven to be anti-cancer, anti-tumor, and anti-leukemic, which is why we founded The Mush Supply to help people live a healthy and disease-free life.

The Mush Supply emerged after having seen all the difficulties and pain that our mother had been through during her life as a cancer patient.

Nurtured with love and care, we developed this company for our loved ones.

Our mission at The Mush Supply is to provide the health benefits of Cordyceps Militaris to a larger community.

The Mush Supply Agro Farms specializes in the manufacturing of Cordyceps Militaris mushrooms, one of the most beneficial mushrooms available all over the world.

This product not only prevents deadly diseases like cancer, tumor, leukemia and diabetes, but also improves your immune system, proves to have anti-aging properties, and treats kidney, lung and liver diseases.