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Hemp Protein Powder: Plant-Based Super Supplement

Hemp protein powder is made by grinding pressed hemp seeds into a fine powder. It has an earthy, nutty taste and is often added to shakes or smoothies to boost protein intake.

Each 1/4-cup (30-gram) serving contains 15 grams of protein. This may be less than more processed forms of plant-based protein but is popular for its purity as it is easily digestible (91% to 98%) even in a lesser processed state. This means that your body can use almost all of the amino acids in hemp protein powder for important bodily functions, such as repair and maintenance.

Most hemp protein powders contain 7–8 grams of fiber per 1/4 cup (30 grams) and provide 18–28% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of fiber for men and women respectively. In comparison, other plant-based protein powders such as soy, pea and rice are highly refined and contain very little fiber.

Hemp protein powder has an earthy taste that many people enjoy. It’s best consumed blended with other ingredients, since it can have a grittier texture than other plant-based protein powders.

Hemp protein powder can be a useful additional protein source, especially for athletes. 2-5 tablespoons provide the ideal amount of protein for exercise recovery.

Hemp Protein Powder


  1. Rich Source of Amino Acids- An average human body requires 22 amino acids for proper functioning. Hemp seed powder contains amino acids required to help repair muscle cells, regulate the nervous system and regulate brain function.
  2. Anti-Ageing- It contains high levels of zinc, one of the essential anti-aging minerals. Studies have shown that hemp can be a supplement to reduce the signs of aging. 
  3. Boosts Immunity- It is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which our immune system needs to promote hormone balance.
  4. Improves Heart Health- Hemp seed powder is nutrition-rich and contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids support the proper functioning of the heart and maintain good cardiovascular health.
  5. Helps fight sugar cravings- Hemp seed powder helps in regulating blood glucose levels. It also helps a body feel fuller longer, which means that a person will not suffer from energy crashes and sugar cravings.
  6. Healthy Hair- Hemp powder is full of protein, iron, vitamin E, zinc, and amino acids; all of these essential minerals in hemp enhance the texture of your hair.
  7. Healthy Skin- Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are great for the skin! The fats provide moisture by penetrating deeper into the skin layers.
  8. Improves Digestion- Hemp seeds are high in soluble and insoluble fibers, which help eliminate waste and toxins from our bodies and prevent constipation and bloating.

Whey Protein vs Hemp Protein

Whey protein is a by-product of the cheese-making process. It is derived through a series of mechanical separations and filtration during a heat-treating process of milk. In order to obtain such a fabulous 99% protein concentration in whey protein powders, manufacturers often use a hexane chemical agent in the protein isolating process. Also, many whey protein powder products use filler proteins or non-essential amino acids, such as L-Glycine or L-Taurine, which the human body is not able to absorb and digest and they provide no nutritional quality to the body. The other issue is the usage of sugars and artificial-flavoring in these products, which are used to mask the chemical taste of these powders, which provide no nutritional value whatsoever to the consumer.

Hemp in India Is grown in pristine nature on the luscious foothills of the Himalayas. Hemp, as a plant, does not require any fertilizers or pesticides to grow. It’s as natural as nature can get. Hemp protein powder is a by-product of cold pressing Hemp Seed Oil. This powder has a nutty-earthy-organic taste and can be consumed with water/shake or blended into your food as well, like adding it to the aata (flour) of your roti/chappati or daal-rice.

Whey has more protein, fewer carbs, and calories than its Hemp competitor. The amino acid profiles of Whey protein and Hemp protein differ, but both contain all essential amino acids. However, since Whey is derived from an animal-based product, contains artificial ingredients and chemicals, it is a lot harder for our system to digest, which results in the common problem Whey users face- bloating, which is a clear indication from our bodies that it’s just not the right fuel for us. Hemp is safe for vegans and vegetarians, while Whey protein is only safe for a select group of vegetarians because of the risk of residual dairy.


There is no better alternative than hemp powder to add more nutrition to your daily meals. It is a natural alternative to allopathic medications that bring various side effects.

Hemp seed powder can be blended into your smoothie, lassi, dal, bread, roti and cookie dough alike!

And while you take care of your dietary requirements, this source also takes care of the environment as Hemp Seed Powder comes from the plant kingdoms most sustainable and eco-friendly resource, making it a sustainable option for mindful consumers. 

Hemp Protein Powder from Ananta Hemp Works, Healing Leaf, India Hemp & Co, India Hemp Organics.






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