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Hemp Oil : Elixir for Wellness, Skin Care & Hair Care

Pure Hemp Seed oil is a natural botanical concentrate best derived through cold-pressed extraction process from the seeds of the plant.

Hemp Seed Oil is nutrient rich, constituting amino acids, fatty acids, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, that can boost overall health in many ways.

Hemp seed oil is rich in a great number of vitamins such as Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin B1 & B2, essential fatty acids such as Omega 6 and Omega 3, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus. 

They have about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is considered in the optimal range.

Hence, Hemp Seed Oil is a great choice for the Hair, Skin, and inner well-being.

Hemp Oil vs Fish Oil

Fish oil is obtained from the tissue of “oily” fish such as sardines, salmon, tuna, anchovies, and contains omega-3 fatty acids. Interestingly, Fish get their Omega-3 acids from eating other fish who have stored those acids in their body, hence, it is not present in the ideal ratio of 3:1. Also, Fish oil is extracted from the liver and skin of the fish, which means that it’s possible to ingest plastics and other toxins that the liver is processing. 


  1. More nutritive than other oils- Hemp Seed oil is loaded with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium, that is required by the body, and is also rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, which are necessary for a good functioning of your immune system and for cardiovascular health.
  2. Helps control hormonal balance and PMS- Hemp Seed Oil helps control hormonal balance, PMS and menopause symptoms. The oil consists of gamma-linolenic acid, that converts into prostaglandin, a protective hormone in body. This provides a good hormonal balance to support menopausal health and reduce the PMS symptoms.
  3. Brilliant Skincare- Hemp seed oil benefits the dry, red, flaking skin while nourishing. It is therefore used in cosmetic products, such as lip balms, lotions and soaps. Research studies suggest hemp seed oil can help treating atopic dermatitis, eczema and other skin inflammations.
  4. Great Tonic for Hair- Hemp Oil contains ceramides, which is the key ingredient of most conditioners, therefore it works to make hair silkier and shinier. Amino acids and fatty acids present in Hemp Seed Oil makes hair strong, improves blood circulation, moisturize the scalp.
  5. Mood Elevator- Fatty acids are essential for the proper functioning of brain. Hemp Seed Oil also contains endocannabinoids, that help to improve mood, reduce depression and anxiety. There are evidences that omega-3 fatty acids help improve the symptoms of bipolar disorder and ADHD.
  6. Rich in Vitamin E- Hemp Seed Oil help protect your DNA and cell, in order to improve an overall health. Vitamin E is a vital element to having a beautiful skin and also helps to avoid the signs of skin aging.
  7. Panacea for Vegetarians and Vegans- Vegetarians and vegans don’t get required omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in their diets, Hemp oil is especially beneficial for them.
  8. Reduces Arthritis Pain- Hemp Seed Oil contains gamma-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, that helps reduce inflammation. Based on some research, consumption of Hemp Oil reduced arthritis pain in patients by 25%.
  9. Lowers Cholesterol- Hemp Seed Oil contains essential fatty acids, specifically omega-3’s and omega-6’s, it helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body. The oil also contains alpha-linolenic acid, which boosts our metabolism. When metabolism is faster, fats burn more quickly, and there is no fat deposition on the arteries.
  10. Moderates Blood Sugar- Hemp seed oil help diabetic patients as a blood sugar moderator. It is low in carbohydrates and glucose and speed up your metabolism, so aids in blood sugar reduction.
Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil and Skin

Hemp Seed Oil is good for all skin types as it nourishes the skin and increases blood circulation. You can also use it for a gentle massage on your body. It is one of the best moisturizers and anti-inflammatory agents. the Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA) which is one of the Omega-6 fatty acids present in hemp seed oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory and it is said to promote skin growth and new cell generation activity in the body. It is a moisturizer without clogging the pores. It helps lessen and eradicate skin irritations and inflammations caused due to allergies, skin reactions, acne, dry skin and diseases such as psoriasis as well.

Particular benefits:

  1. Treats Atopic Dermatitis- The fact that it is highly rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, consumption of these elements can greatly help skin conditions as severe as atopic dermatitis. Studies found that consumption of hemp seed oil in diet reduces the appearance as well as the symptoms of atopic dermatitis within 20 weeks only.
  2. Controls production of oil- As it is a moisturizer that does not clogs pores, whatever may be the skin type it further helps in balancing and maintaining the balance of oil production of skin. It keeps it naturally hydrated while regulating the oil production.
  3. Anti-ageing properties- It is potent and helpful in reducing the lines and wrinkles of ageing, toning the skin, slows down skin sagging process and provides a natural glow from within. 
  4. Helps with Eczema- According to Ayurveda, eczema is formed due to a surge in the Vata entity. The moisturizing action and anti-inflammatory action of hemp seed oil helps in managing this disorder. It also has the potential to normalize the Vata with its hot potency.
  5. Helps clear acne- The antimicrobial action of hemp seed oil helps to eliminate this microbial abundance on the skin and eliminates the possibility of acne outbreaks. Moreover, its antioxidant action helps to remove the scars of acne.
  6. Helps in reducing rashes- The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action of hemp seed oil helps the body to heal these reddish blemishes. The regular use of hemp seed oil topically helps to alleviate the Pitta dosha residing on the skin, the key causative factor of Rashes and helps reduce all associated symptoms.
  7. Helps against Psoriasis- Psoriasis is understood as an autoimmune disorder causing pigmentation on the skin, eczema and skin eruptions. It can also be triggered due to constant exposure to UV radiation, chronic chemicals and allergens. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory qualities as well as the potential to help skin retain moisture.

Hemp Oil and Stress

Once upon a time, when humans were hunter-gatherers, stress was a safety mechanism in the body. When we perceived a threat, our hearts began to race; blood and adrenaline were pumped to essential body parts to do one of two things. Fight or flight. Now, our brains perceive broken relationships, exams, deadlines, taxes, and other “normal” things as threats and cause the exact same reaction. Is this a bad thing? Well, it can be. A regular amount of stress is healthy to keep us motivated and striving to perform better in our personal and professional lives. With that said, stress can get out of hand when we do not know how to deal with it. And this can lead to anxiety disorders, mood disorders, depression, and other psychiatric conditions. 

Traditionally, stress can be managed using therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Medication and professional therapy can be expensive, and pills sometimes cause more harm than good with countless side effects.

Hemp oil contains a compound called CBD, or cannabidiol – which interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). We all have an ECS system – and this system controls many aspects of our being, including the heart, the brain, and the immune system. All these are affected by stress – does racing heartbeat, feeling sickly, and brain fog sound familiar? Then hemp oil may have an umpteen amount of benefits for your stress! 

Hemp Oil and Arthritis

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints present in the body. The main symptoms being joint pain and stiffness which becomes worse with age.

Within Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine, cannabis Sativa extract has shown efficacy in the management of arthritic pain. Cannabidiol (CBD) binds with specialized receptors in an individual’s brain and immune system. One such receptor called the CB2 receptor plays an important role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation. Check Out Cannabliss Arthritis Relief!

Hemp and Migraine

Migraine is a headache that often affects one side of the head and can be extremely painful, throbbing, or pulsating. It frequently comes with high sensitivity to both light and sound as well as sickness and vomiting. The pain from a migraine episode can be so intense that it conflicts with your regular activities and can persist for hours or even days.

According to research done on the efficacy of medical cannabis to treat many disease conditions, hemp was found to be effective against migraine treatment for Aids in symptomatic management. The presence of terpenes in Hemp acts against nociception, the endocrine factor for migraine, and reduces its occurrence.

Hemp can also be used as an optimal prophylactic against developing migraine. It has also shown an immediate effect on prolonged pain often warring off the impending attack of migraine. Check out CannaEase Hemp Balm and Cannarma Pain Relief Balm!

Hemp Oil and Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Oral Kriya (Activity) that Ayurvedic teachings advocate as an important element of routine health exercises or Dinacharya. There are two sorts of oil pulling processes mentioned according to classics, Gandusha and Kaval kriya.

Gandusha Kriya involves putting a big amount of oil in the mouth and holding it there for around 10-15 minutes, while Kavala Kriya involves putting a lesser amount of oil in the mouth, swishing it around briskly within the oral cavity, and spewing it out by 2 to 3 minutes.

The benefits of considering hemp seed oil Gandusha is as follows:

  1. Hot potency prevents the abode of bacteria formations.
  2. Katu metabolic end effect nullifies the acidic medium of plague and eliminates oral cavities.
  3. Its Vyavayi action gives effective and quick relief from bleeding gums.
  4. Improve blood circulation on the gums, teeth, and associated structures.
  5. Helps to enhance better oral health in general.

Hemp and Pets

Dealing with both external and internal wellness of dogs and cats, hemp is a natural resource which is nutritious and nourishing for pets.

Benefits of Hemp Oil on Pets are-

  1. Reduces inflammation (external & internal)
  2. Promotes immunity & energy levels
  3. Reduces anxiety
  4. Helps with skin allergies & conditions
  5. Makes coats healthy & shiny
  6. Preserves gut, heart & brain health
  7. Promotes joint health & mobility
  8. Promotes oral health
Hemp Oil for pets
Hemp Oil for Pets

Hemp Oil available on Nuvkriti from Ananta Hemp Works, Cannarma, Healing Leaf, India Hemp & Co, India Hemp Organics


Hemp Seed Oil is nutrient rich, derived through cold-pressed extraction process from the seeds of the plant, and is a great choice for the Hair, Skin, and inner well-being.

Hemp seed oil has undoubtedly gained lot of attention given how it has been effective for humans in many ways. It has proven to be equally effective for pets as well.






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